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Conservative Movement Affiliates

The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, founded in 1913 as the United Synagogue of America, is the association of Conservative congregations in North America, today consisting of approximately 700 affiliated synagogues. Guided by a commitment to both modernity and tradition, The USCJ has sought to provide its affiliated congregations with help in fulfilling their religious and educational responsibilities. Based on the premise that these congregations are united in partnership — and therefore that no Conservative synagogue must “go it alone” — the United Synagogue has worked to strengthen and enhance the ability of affiliated synagogues to enrich the Jewish lives of their members.

The Rabbinical Assembly is the international association of Conservative rabbis. Since its founding in 1901, the Assembly has been the creative force shaping the ideology, programs and practices of the Conservative movement, and is committed to building and strengthening the totality of Jewish life.

The Cantors Assembly, the largest body of hazzanim in the world, is the professional organization of cantors which serves the Jewish world. With offices at the Jewish Theological Seminary and affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, we serve the needs of our members, our congregations and help preserve and enhance the traditions of our people.

The Jewish Theological Seminary, one of the world’s leading centers of Jewish learning, integrates rigorous academic scholarship and teaching with a commitment to strengthening Jewish tradition, Jewish lives and Jewish communities.

NAASE – The North American Association of Synagogue Executives (NAASE) is a membership organization serving the professional needs of Jewish Executive Directors of the Conservative Movement, as an affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and in association with the Jewish Theological Seminary and the Jewish Communal Service Association.

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism

Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs

The Jewish Museum

The Schechter Institutes. The mission of the Schechter Institutes is to help fashion an Israeli society and a Jewish world secure in its Jewish roots and strong in its democratic values.

Schechter Day School Network. The Schechter Network promotes the continued growth and vitality of its member schools that serve a broad Jewish population and are characterized by Conservative Jewish principles, high academic achievement, social responsibility and joyous spiritual engagement in a culture of caring and community.

Jewish Educators Assembly

United Synagogue Youth (USY)

Jewish Youth Directors Association

Camp Ramah in the Berkshires

National Ramah Commission

MERCAZ USA is the Zionist membership organization of the Conservative Movement, the voice of Conservative Jewry within the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency for Israel, the Jewish National Fund and the American Zionist Movement to support religious pluralism in Israel and strengthen the connection between Israel and the Diaspora.

The Conservative/Masorti Movement – where contemporary Jews embrace Jewish tradition.

The Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel is a traditional, egalitarian religious movement in Israel, affiliated with the worldwide Masorti/Conservative movement. It is guided by halakha (Jewish law) and an open and pluralistic approach to contemporary scholarship, Jewish living, democratic ideals and Zionism.

Masorti Olami  The World Council of Conservative/Masorti synagogues (Masorti Olami) builds, renews and strengthens Jewish life throughout the world, with efforts that focus on existing and developing communities in Europe, Latin America, the Former Soviet Union, Africa, Asia and Australia. We conduct our activities within the context of the overall Conservative/Masorti movement, in close cooperation with our brothers, sisters and affiliated organizations in North America and Israel.

Responsa for Today. This site presents the contents of all the deliberations of the Va’ad Halakhah of the Rabbinical Assembly in Israel. The English site offers a resumÈ of each responsum.

The Shefa Network
The Mission of the Shefa Network is two-fold: To bring together dreamers from within the Conservative/Masorti Movement and to give their dreams an audible voice.